giovedì 31 ottobre 2019


FBI agent Emmy Dockery is absolutely relentless. She's young and driven, and her unique skill at seeing connections others miss has brought her an impressive string of arrests. But a shocking new case-unfolding across the country-has left her utterly baffled. The victims all appear to have died by accident, and have seemingly nothing in common. But this many deaths can't be coincidence. And the killer is somehow one step ahead of every move Dockery makes. How? To FBI Internal Affairs special agent, Harrison "Books" Bookman, everyone in the FBI is a suspect-particularly Emmy Dockery (the fact that she's his ex-wife doesn't make it easier). But someone else is watching Dockery. Studying, learning, waiting. Until it's the perfect time to strike.

10000 m

km 10

Di corsa fino alla falesia di Zambana Vecchia transitando per la prima volta sul nuovo tratto ciclopedonabile da poco inaugurato. Il tratto pur essendo breve è carino e si snoda tra meleti e campi di asparagi.

mercoledì 30 ottobre 2019

Pertega e VVF

dislivello 750 m

Visto la  giornata uggiosa nel primo pomeriggio sono salito con Alessio ad attaccare qua e la, con la dovuta parsimonia, dei nuovi cartelli per aiutare, chi non conosce bene la zona , ad orientarsi sui sentieri VVF e Pertega. Pare la cosa sia ben gradita visto che anche chi bazzica spesso in val Manara ogni tanto fa fatica a restare sul sentiero.

domenica 27 ottobre 2019

Giro delle Malghe in Brenta

 Da malga Termoncello verso le cime di Vigo e le Pale di San Martino
 Baita Quetta con il Brenta
 Lago di Tovel
 Sasso Rosso, Cima Uomo e malga Tuena
 Il lago di Tovel e le cime del Brenta
 Colori nel bosco
L'amena malga Loverdina verso il Lagorai

km 7,50 - dislivello 450 m
Ale&Federico, Carlo

Caldo, caldo, caldo al punto che anche oggi i pantaloncini corti sarebbero stati l'ideale. Pur essendo il parcheggio di malga Arza gremito di macchine sui sentieri abbiamo incontrato relativamente poche persone. Dall'alto il lago di Tovel oggi era stratosferico: un'esplosione di colori e tonalità che fanno bene allo spirito. Non ci resta che continuare a gironzolare per monti.

venerdì 25 ottobre 2019

Rifugio Sette Selle

 Autunno in alta val del Laner
 Tre generazioni al rifugio
 Cima Sette Selle, d'Ezze, Colombara
Autunno in alta val dei Mocheni

dislivello 500 m
Ale&Federico, Marcello

I colori in val di Rabbi secondo me sono migliori ma la gioia di salire nell'amata val dei Mocheni aggiusta ogni piccolo difetto. Lorenzo, al rifugio Sette Selle, vi aspetta per l'ultimo weekend della stagione prima di chiudere per la pausa prima dell'inizio della stagione invernale. Temperature miti e larici dorati non aspettano altro di essere visitati.

mercoledì 23 ottobre 2019

Lago Corvo

  Malga Caldesa

 Malga Caldesa verso il monte Sole e il passo Cercen
 Il lago Corvo
 La val di Rabbi da Piazzola

dislivello 1000 m

Le temperature sono ancora molto elevate, troppo per il periodo, e si può salire in quota  ancora con completo estivo. Ad oggi la val di Rabbi è un tripudio di colori che virando di tonalità ti accompagna dal fondo valle fino al limite della vegetazione. Se la situazione rimane tale potrei farci un pensierino in bici visto che quest'anno sono stato molto scostante con il mezzo a due ruote. Se però nevicasse....

martedì 22 ottobre 2019

Lago di Tovel

Dopo più dieci giorni chiuso in casa a causa di un'infezione oggi, finalmente, sono andato a fare due passi e a godere dei bellissimi colori dell'autunno.

sabato 19 ottobre 2019

Fentanyl,INC: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic

A deeply human story, Fentanyl, Inc. is the first deep-dive investigation of a hazardous and illicit industry that has created a worldwide epidemic, ravaging communities and overwhelming and confounding government agencies that are challenged to combat it. "A whole new crop of chemicals is radically changing the recreational drug landscape," writes Ben Westhoff. "These are known as Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and they include replacements for known drugs like heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana. They are synthetic, made in a laboratory, and are much more potent than traditional drugs"--and all-too-often tragically lethal. Drugs like fentanyl, K2, and Spice--and those with arcane acronyms like 25i-NBOMe-- were all originally conceived in legitimate laboratories for proper scientific and medicinal purposes. Their formulas were then hijacked and manufactured by rogue chemists, largely in China, who change their molecular structures to stay ahead of the law, making the drugs' effects impossible to predict. Westhoff has infiltrated this shadowy world, becoming the first journalist to report from inside an illicit Chinese fentanyls lab and providing startling and original reporting on how China's vast chemical industry operates, and how the Chinese government subsidizes it. He tracks down the little-known scientists who invented these drugs and inadvertently killed thousands, as well as a mysterious drug baron who turned the law upside down in his home country of New Zealand. Poignantly, Westhoff chronicles the lives of addicted users and dealers, families of victims, law enforcement officers, and underground drug awareness organizers in the U.S. and Europe. Together they represent the shocking and riveting full anatomy of a calamity we are just beginning to understand. From its depths, as Westhoff relates, are emerging new strategies that may provide essential long-term solutions to the drug crisis that has affected so many.

giovedì 17 ottobre 2019

Shadow warrior

Vittorio Ferraro is a man whose family loyalty knows no bounds. He would die for his siblings and the people they love, but what he really wants is to start a family of his own. Deep down, Vittorio has always known finding a woman who could ride shadows would be nearly impossible—let alone one who could accept his particular needs—and he never expected to find her in the middle of a kidnapping.…Grace Murphy has always been drawn to Vittorio Ferraro—or at least to the billionaire’s public bad-boy persona. Now that she’s under his protection and the sole focus of his intense caring, she can’t help wanting to get as close to him as possible. But Grace knows her presence is putting the entire Ferraro family in danger. Her monster of a brother will never let her go, but Vittorio has no intention of losing the woman whose shadow matches his own.

mercoledì 16 ottobre 2019

The Tattooist of Auschwitz

In April 1942, Lale Sokolov, a Slovakian Jew, is forcibly transported to the concentration camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau. When his captors discover that he speaks several languages, he is put to work as a Tätowierer (the German word for tattooist), tasked with permanently marking his fellow prisoners.Imprisoned for more than two and a half years, Lale witnesses horrific atrocities and barbarism—but also incredible acts of bravery and compassion. Risking his own life, he uses his privileged position to exchange jewels and money from murdered Jews for food to keep his fellow prisoners alive.One day in July 1942, Lale, prisoner 32407, comforts a trembling young woman waiting in line to have the number 34902 tattooed onto her arm. Her name is Gita, and in that first encounter, Lale vows to somehow survive the camp and marry her.A vivid, harrowing, and ultimately hopeful re-creation of Lale Sokolov's experiences as the man who tattooed the arms of thousands of prisoners with what would become one of the most potent symbols of the Holocaust, The Tattooist of Auschwitz is also a testament to the endurance of love and humanity under the darkest possible conditions.

lunedì 14 ottobre 2019


Decker is visiting his hometown of Burlington, Ohio, when he’s approached by a man named Meryl Hawkins. Hawkins is a convicted murderer. In fact, he’s the very first killer Decker ever put behind bars. But he’s innocent, he claims. Now suffering from terminal cancer, it’s his dying wish that Decker clear his name.It’s unthinkable. The case was open and shut, with rock solid forensic evidence. But then Hawkins later turns up dead with a bullet in his head, and even Decker begins to have doubts. Is it possible that he really did get it wrong, all those years ago?Decker’s determined to uncover the truth, no matter the personal cost. But solving a case this cold may be impossible, especially when it becomes clear that someone doesn’t want the old case reopened. Someone who is willing to kill to keep the truth buried, and hide a decades-old secret that may have devastating repercussions….

sabato 12 ottobre 2019

The Malta Exchange

The pope is dead. A conclave to select his replacement is about to begin. Cardinals are beginning to arrive at the Vatican, but one has fled Rome for Malta in search of a document that dates back to the 4th century and Constantine the Great.Former Justice Department operative, Cotton Malone, is at Lake Como, Italy, on the trail of legendary letters between Winston Churchill and Benito Mussolini that disappeared in 1945 and could re-write history. But someone else seems to be after the same letters and, when Malone obtains then loses them, he’s plunged into a hunt that draws the attention of the legendary Knights of Malta.The knights have existed for over nine hundred years, the only warrior-monks to survive into modern times. Now they are a global humanitarian organization, but within their ranks lurks trouble — the Secreti — an ancient sect intent on affecting the coming papal conclave. With the help of Magellan Billet agent Luke Daniels, Malone races the rogue cardinal, the knights, the Secreti, and the clock to find what has been lost for centuries. The final confrontation culminates behind the walls of the Vatican where the election of the next pope hangs in the balance.

Butcher's Crossing

"Bastava un solo sguardo, o quasi, per contemplare tutta Butcher's Crossing. Un gruppo di sei baracche di legno era tagliato in due da una stradina sterrata e poco oltre, su entrambi i lati, c'erano alcune tende sparse". Ecco lo sperduto villaggio del Kansas dove, in una torrida giornata del 1873, giunge Will Andrews, ventenne bostoniano affamato di terre selvagge. L'America sta cambiando, la ferrovia in breve scalzerà la tensione verso l'ignoto che aveva permeato il continente, lasciando solo il mito della frontiera. Eppure, il giorno in cui Will sente sotto i piedi la sua terra promessa, esiste ancora la caccia al bisonte, un'esperienza portentosa, cruenta e fondante, archetipo della cultura americana. È questo che il ragazzo vuole: dimenticare le strade trafficate ed eleganti di Boston e rinascere in una terra che lo accolga come parte integrante della natura. Ma in questi luoghi lontani dalla costa orientale e dalla metropoli gli uomini sono legnosi, stremati dall'attesa di un riscatto mai ottenuto e negli occhi custodiscono tutta l'esperienza del mondo. La caccia, l'atroce massacro di cui Will si rende complice, è un momento in cui si addensano simbologie, dove il rapporto tra l'essere umano e la natura diventa grandiosa rappresentazione, ma soprattutto è un viaggio drammaticamente diverso da ciò che il ragazzo si aspettava, da quel che immaginava di scoprire su se stesso e sul suo paese.