venerdì 21 luglio 2023

Giro dei laghi sopra Valorz

Le prime luci sulle Maddalene con San Bernardo ancora in ombra

L'ameno lago di Soprasasso

Malga Soprasasso

Lago Rotondo e monte Seleci
Lago Quarto

Lago di Soprasasso, Rotondo e Quarto - E - km 14.5 - dislivello 1460 -Gruppo Ortles-Cevedale

martedì 18 luglio 2023

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

A groundbreaking manifesto on living better and longer that challenges the conventional medical thinking on aging and reveals a new approach to preventing chronic disease and extending long-term health, from a visionary physician and leading longevity expert “One of the most important books you’ll ever read.”—Steven D. Levitt, New York Times bestselling author of Freakonomics Wouldn’t you like to live longer? And better? In this operating manual for longevity, Dr. Peter Attia draws on the latest science to deliver innovative nutritional interventions, techniques for optimizing exercise and sleep, and tools for addressing emotional and mental health. For all its successes, mainstream medicine has failed to make much progress against the diseases of aging that kill most people: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and type 2 diabetes. Too often, it intervenes with treatments too late to help, prolonging lifespan at the expense of healthspan, or quality of life. Dr. Attia believes we must replace this outdated framework with a personalized, proactive strategy for longevity, one where we take action now, rather than waiting. This is not “biohacking,” it’s science: a well-founded strategic and tactical approach to extending lifespan while also improving our physical, cognitive, and emotional health. Dr. Attia’s aim is less to tell you what to do and more to help you learn how to think about long-term health, in order to create the best plan for you as an individual. In Outlive , readers will discover: • Why the cholesterol test at your annual physical doesn’t tell you enough about your actual risk of dying from a heart attack. • That you may already suffer from an extremely common yet underdiagnosed liver condition that could be a precursor to the chronic diseases of aging. • Why exercise is the most potent pro-longevity “drug”—and how to begin training for the “Centenarian Decathlon.” • Why you should forget about diets, and focus instead on nutritional biochemistry, using technology and data to personalize your eating pattern. • Why striving for physical health and longevity, but ignoring emotional health, could be the ultimate curse of all. Aging and longevity are far more malleable than we think; our fate is not set in stone. With the right roadmap, you can plot a different path for your life, one that lets you outlive your genes to make each decade better than the one before.

A Faedo passando per Masen


km 29 - dislivello 640 m

lunedì 10 luglio 2023

Pedalata serale

km 20 - dislivello 250 m

Ferrata monte Roen

Malga Romeno
La chiesetta di malga Romeno
Sulla ferrata del monte Roen verso la val d'Adige
Poco sotto la cima del monte Roen
Dalla cima verso Bolzano
La lunga catena della Mendola che porta a cima Roccapiana

Ferrata monte Roen - EEA - dislivello 400 m - Catena della Mendola

Racconti di Pietroburgo

Un barbiere si sveglia di buon'ora, si alza dal letto, spezza il pane appena sfornato, vi scorge dentro "qualcosa di biancheggiante": un naso. Prende così avvio uno dei racconti più celebri della letteratura di tutti i tempi, affiancato in questa raccolta da altri quattro, non meno significativi e famosi: II ritratto, dove un dipinto porta con sé, nel trascorrere degli anni, tutto il male che era nell'animo del personaggio rappresentato; La Prospettiva, storia di incontri e di passioni fatali o fugaci sullo sfondo mutevole, e talora inquietante, del Nevskij Prospekt; II giornale di impazzo, diario di un uomo solo e del suo precipitare nella follia; Il mantello, dramma di un povero impiegato che subisce il furto del cappotto nuovo acquistato avvezzando una vita già misera a ulteriori, patetiche restrizioni.

domenica 9 luglio 2023

Normal people

At school Connell and Marianne pretend not to know each other. He’s popular and well-adjusted, star of the school soccer team while she is lonely, proud, and intensely private. But when Connell comes to pick his mother up from her housekeeping job at Marianne’s house, a strange and indelible connection grows between the two teenagers - one they are determined to conceal.A year later, they’re both studying at Trinity College in Dublin. Marianne has found her feet in a new social world while Connell hangs at the sidelines, shy and uncertain. Throughout their years in college, Marianne and Connell circle one another, straying toward other people and possibilities but always magnetically, irresistibly drawn back together. Then, as she veers into self-destruction and he begins to search for meaning elsewhere, each must confront how far they are willing to go to save the other.Sally Rooney brings her brilliant psychological acuity and perfectly spare prose to a story that explores the subtleties of class, the electricity of first love, and the complex entanglements of family and friendship.

Carino per le prime 50 pagine poi l'ho trovato molto noioso e piatto e ho faticato a finirlo.

sabato 8 luglio 2023

Nave - Lisignago

km 30 - dislivello 450

Giretto all'alba prelavoro, l'idea era di arrivare almeno fino a Cembra ma mi sembrava di essere un po' troppo tirato coi tempi cosa che invece alla fine non è stata. Buono a sapersi per la prossima volta.

mercoledì 5 luglio 2023

Monte Daino

Il monte Daino salendo la val di Ceda
Cima Soran e i Rossati
Le cime di Ceda
Nei pressi di Busa Tramontana con la Tosa
Busa Tramontana
Brenta bassa, Pedrotti, Brenta Alta
Quasi in vetta al Daino
Dalla cime verso la Tosa e la bocca di Brenta
Pernice sul monte Daino

Monte Daino -EE - km 20 dislivello 2000 m - Dolomiti di Brenta
Ale & Emilio